Sue Robash Carr Distinguished Alumni Award
Every biennium, the Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association presents the Sue Robash Carr Distinguished Alumni Award to an outstanding formerly active or associate member of the Sorority. Nominations are due by June 1st preceding each national convention of the TBSAA and the winner is announced at the convention banquet. See below for details about the award selection process.
About Sue Robash Carr
Few individuals exemplify alumni dedication and lifetime service like Sue Robash Carr. Sue was an active member of the Delta Delta chapter at the University of Massachusetts. Since becoming an alumna of the Sorority, Sue has continued her service to Tau Beta Sigma as a district counselor, Trustee, and is a former Chairperson of the TBSAA Executive Council. Sue is a recipient of numerous Sorority awards for her dedicated service, and for the example she sets for all TBSAA members, the Executive Council named the Distinguished Alumni Award in her honor in 2015.
To learn more about Sue Carr and her experiences in the Sorority, read her autobiographical article from The Podium here.

Application Process
The purpose of the Sue Robash Carr Distinguished Alumni Award is to recognize an alumnus/a who is making, or has made, an outstanding contribution to Tau Beta Sigma, its Alumni Association and/or society.
For the purpose of judging nominations, an outstanding contribution should include evidence of one or more of the following:
- Service and Support to Tau Beta Sigma: The recipient’s deeds and actions reflect the importance of his or her educational training, pride in sisterhood and loyalty to Tau Beta Sigma, as demonstrated through their interest in and support of Tau Beta Sigma, the Alumni Association and their programs.
- Professional Achievement and Career or Military Service Distinction: The recipient attained prominence through his or her efforts in commerce, the professions, agriculture, the arts, education, government, military or other worthy endeavors that form a record of accomplishment impressive to the members of Tau Beta Sigma and the nation.
- Service to Society: The recipient exhibits integrity and a demonstrated commitment to service through an interest in bettering the lives of others through volunteer efforts.
Only living alumni of Tau Beta Sigma in good standing with the national headquarters are eligible. For purposes of definition, an alumnus/a is any formerly active or associate member, or who received at least one degree from a college or university that has a chapter of Tau Beta Sigma.
The award shall consist of an award/plaque presented to the recipient.
The award will be presented biennially at the Tau Beta Sigma National Convention reception/banquet, though the recipient is not required to be in attendance.
- Nominations may be submitted by 1) members of any Active Chapter or District Council of Tau Beta Sigma or 2) anyone who is a current member of the Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association. Letters of support (see below) may be written by any individual familiar with the work of the nominee.
- All nominations must include the following:
- A nomination statement from the person placing the name in nomination, which details the nominee’s qualifications as a Distinguished Alumnus/alumna.
- A biographical statement (or résumé), providing basic information such as: name, address, employment history, and educational background.
- Letters of support by individuals who are in favor of the nomination (no more than 3). Letters must include the name and email address of the individual submitting the letter. These individuals do not need to meet the qualifications of the person placing the name in nomination.
- Nominations should be sent by e-mail to: tbsaa@tbsigma.org. Complete nomination packets may also be sent to:
Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association
TBSAA Distinguished Alumni Award Nomination
PO Box 849
Stillwater, OK 74076-0849 - All paperwork must be postmarked, or electronically transmitted, by midnight on June 1 prior to the national convention.
- All nominations for the award shall continue in force for the following two years. After that time, they may be resubmitted. Resubmissions will supersede previous submissions.
- If, in the opinion of either the Selection Committee or the TBSAA Executive Council, no worthy candidate is nominated in a given biennium, the Award will not be presented that year.
- The selection committee shall be composed of six (6) members: five (5) of whom shall be active members of TBSAA, and the sixth member shall be the member of the TBSAA Executive Council overseeing the SRCDAA for that biennium. The appointed membership of the committee shall remain anonymous. An award will only be presented if the committee’s decision is by 2/3 majority.
- The Executive Council representative shall serve as an ex-officio member and shall offer assistance in coordinating nomination review.
- It shall be the duty of the selection committee to submit their recommendation of the award recipient to the TBSAA Executive Council. The Executive Council will then vote to approve or reject the Committee’s recommendation. Approval by the Executive Council must be by 2/3 of the Council Members present.
- The TBSAA representative will coordinate notification and certificate/plaque preparation once a recipient has been selected.
Past Recipients

Terri White
Eta Delta

Dr. Kathryn Kelly
Eta Delta

Lisa Croston

Wendy McCann

Marcus Wyche
Beta Eta